Specialized workshop for piano restoration
"Wherever art flourishes, it rests on the fertile soil of the craft"

A beautiful sentence delivered by the German philosopher Friedrich Theodor von Vischer, who lived from 1807 to 1887.
This maxim does not only apply to the pianist, but also to the piano maker. Important in all piano restoration work are not only brain, heart and technical skills, but also and especially sensitivity of sound. Producing a good sound elevates this handicraft to artwork. In order to make your piano not only playable again but also to advance and optimize its sound, the piano maker should have all four skills equally developed. The basis for success is thus your trust in my ability.
My way of doing the work is clearly defined. At the beginning, there is always the careful and responsible assessment of your instrument and the definition of damage to be repaired. We are then all together going to discuss what is needed to be done. Do not worry, when your piano is more than hundred years old. It happens very often, that a most beautiful sound with great volume will especially come out from old instruments - due to their solid quality. Then, when you decide to entrust me with your piano, I will start to work on it carefully, precisely, and with a joyful heart.
You are always welcome to visit me at work at any time to follow the work progress. Please call before coming – I will await you downstairs at the entrance door. Mobil phone: +49-(0)157-764 750 80
The workshop is now located in the well-known industrial monument Alte Tabakfabrik (the Old Tobacco Factory):